Maribeth and Kyle

Originally from two drastically different parts of Texas, Kyle hails from Beaumont where there are bayous and crawfish, and Maribeth hails from Lubbock, land of cotton fields and tumbleweed.

The two met in Austin, where small town Texas mixes with a modest city shimmer. They worked together for a few years, designing mobile apps and internal systems at a local technology company, but became close several years later after moving along to different start ups. They both enjoyed the live music, great food, and hiking in and around the city.

On their first trip together they packed up their camping gear and flew to San Francisco, setting up camp in Marin Headlands at Bicentennial Campground. With a perfect view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the city of San Francisco, they woke up to the coo of quail and the dew from the Pacific fog. On a quick drive into Sausalito to gather supplies, they stopped at a bodega called Golden Gate Market where the store clerk took one look at Maribeth, and one look at Kyle, and burst into laughter with an accented, “Ha! You so tiny! You so big!” That was 9 years ago now, and they’ve held onto that descriptor ever since.

On a beautiful, warm day in August of 2021, Kyle, Maribeth, and Oskee drove from their apartment in San Francisco to the Marin Headlands for a picnic on Black Sands Beach. This is next to the campground where they had their first trip together, making it the perfect location for what would happen next. After enjoying the sunshine and their favorite deli sandwiches, Kyle suggested they take one of their classic "jumping photos"—and he surprised Maribeth by jumping onto one knee and popping the question. Of course, she said yes!


The two are thrilled to get married in San Francisco with immediate family and close friends after enjoying a wonderful few years of happy engagement.